Showing posts with label religious/inspirational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religious/inspirational. Show all posts


Chosen for God's purpose

Read Jeremiah 1:4-10
The Lord said, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." - Jeremiah 1:5

When you were a child, did you want to hear the story of how you were born? This is the story my mother used to tell me: In 1975 in South Korea, a policeman found me abandoned in a ditch filled with ice. I was brought to an orphanage, where my adoptive mother later chose from rows and rows of babies.
I hated the stories and never repeated it to anyone. I felt ashamed that I had been abandoned as a new born. I wasn't special enough for my birth parents to keep me and not even important enough to leave on someone's doorstep.

Through the joys and heartaches of growing up with my adoptive family, I can now reflect on my humble beginnings and understand that God chose me for my adoptive family. God knew I needed them as much as they needed me

God often uses people whom the world would not choose to influence others. Moses was "slow of speech and tongue" (Ex. 4:10) Jeremiah was "only a child" (Jer 1: 6); the woman at the well was a social outcast; Rahab was a prostitute. God chooses such people to show us that no matter where we begin, if we allow God to form us and mold us, we can make a difference in the world for God

Prayer: Dear God, use us to lead people to you. Amen

Resources --> Upper Room; September 5, 2010; Angela Steed (Florida)

Complain! Complain!

Read Philippians 2:14-18
Do everything without complaining - Philippians 2:14

The lines in the grocery store were long. There were only two cashiers, while six other registers stood unattended. It was the end of the workday for most of those standing in the lines. Frustration set in, and I stood there and complained like others. "They need more cashiers!" "Whatever happened to customer service?"

While relaxing later that evening, I watched the evening news. One of the stories was about a mission on skid row that was giving away clothing, shoes, and school supplies to children in need. Many homeless and low-income parents had camped out for up to four days on a sidewalk on behalf of their children. And I had complained about standing 15 minutes in a grocery store line! What kind of Christian witness did I show to others?

Our patience and peacefulness can shine like a light in a dark and perverse world. Are you shining brightly, or is your light clouded by complaints? Each of us can choose to shine brightly for God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive us for complaining, and help us to be patient and show your kindness in difficult situations. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Resources --> Upper Room; September 28, 2010; Jacqueline Leaycraft (California)


One Day At A Time

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. - Matthew 6:34

My father was in the hospital, critically ill. My husband had just lost his job. My thoughts were consumed with present and future loss. I was brokenhearted when I imagined my life without my father and I thought of my children loss of his job, and we feared loss of our income. I wanted to wake up every morning filled with thanksgiving for a new day, but instead I found myself filled with dread and sadness. Not only was I anxious about tomorrow; I was worried about today as well. How could I focus on God's gift of today when i didn't like what today offered?

Sometimes we find ourselves in frightening circumstances. Jesus' words quoted above encouraged us not to wish our circumstances away by dreaming about a future time or to make matters worse by worrying about what else might go wrong. Instead, Jesus says that we are to seek the Lord even in the midst of crisis. When we are in sad or overwhelming situations, God promises to be with us. By focusing on today, we discover that God provides the strength and courage we need. We don't have to worry about tomorrow because God will meet us there when tomorrow comes.

Prayer: God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, be with those who especially need your courage and strength. Amen.

Resources --> Upper Room; September 24, 2010; Susan J. Foster (Connecticut)

Our LIfe's Work

Read Matthew 5:1-12

God said to Moses, "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain" - Hebrews 8:5

Few are called to be leaders like Moses, but all are called to make things; for God who is our maker gave us this instinct. And soon we begin with bricks, sand, and blocks to express this desire.
We were made for full employment. Some make laws; others ships, cars, homes, and gardens. More important, in all our making of things, we are being made ourselves for better or for worse.
Are we consciously working, day by day, in accordance with God's design? In obedience to God's command, Moses rose up early in the morning to be alone with God. The result of his keeping that appointment was the glory of God upon his way and upon his face and knowledge concerning his life's work.
God made this world and saw that it was good. We seek, through Christ, to find and to do God's will in all things in this world that God created. In this way, we help fulfill God's redemptive love and purpose, both in us as individuals and in the world around us

Prayer: O God, help us this day to offer ourselves and all our work to your glory. Guide us in all we do, that as you make all things according to your pattern, you may also make us into the likeness of Christ. In His name we pray. Amen

Resources --> Upper Room; September 6, 2010; H.Cecil Pawson (England)

The Second Chance

Read Ephesians 4:29-5:1

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all." Romans 12:17

"It Changed My Life in a Minute" is the name of the workshop I coordinate at a hospital in Buenos Aires. When I was 18 years old, an incident happened that changed my life.

One day my school friends and I were waiting at our bus stop. Suddenly, a car ran a red light and crashed into me. The force of the impact threw me across the sidewalk, and I sustained a severe head injury. I was in the hospital for a month, unconscious most of that time, and my doctors believed I would not survive. But I did survive and I now walk with the use of special walking canes.

The driver of the car tried everything, including lies, to disavow responsibility for the accident or my injuries. I have seen him at various court appearances but at first did not want to look at him. I recalled the words of my doctor."This girl is a miracle." I could not waste my miracle being bitter or harboring thoughts and feelings that would limit my future. And so I chose to extend compassion to the offender. Because God has given me a second chance at life, I thought, my life should reflect the blessing of that second chance. Because of that, I have forgiven him.

Prayer: Giver of life, free us from the hurts we have sustained and help us to repair the harm we have caused others. We are grateful that you forgive us. Amen.

Resources --> Upper Room; September 3 2010 Edition; Paula Tresols (Buenos Aires, Argentina)