
Our LIfe's Work

Read Matthew 5:1-12

God said to Moses, "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain" - Hebrews 8:5

Few are called to be leaders like Moses, but all are called to make things; for God who is our maker gave us this instinct. And soon we begin with bricks, sand, and blocks to express this desire.
We were made for full employment. Some make laws; others ships, cars, homes, and gardens. More important, in all our making of things, we are being made ourselves for better or for worse.
Are we consciously working, day by day, in accordance with God's design? In obedience to God's command, Moses rose up early in the morning to be alone with God. The result of his keeping that appointment was the glory of God upon his way and upon his face and knowledge concerning his life's work.
God made this world and saw that it was good. We seek, through Christ, to find and to do God's will in all things in this world that God created. In this way, we help fulfill God's redemptive love and purpose, both in us as individuals and in the world around us

Prayer: O God, help us this day to offer ourselves and all our work to your glory. Guide us in all we do, that as you make all things according to your pattern, you may also make us into the likeness of Christ. In His name we pray. Amen

Resources --> Upper Room; September 6, 2010; H.Cecil Pawson (England)


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