
One Day At A Time

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. - Matthew 6:34

My father was in the hospital, critically ill. My husband had just lost his job. My thoughts were consumed with present and future loss. I was brokenhearted when I imagined my life without my father and I thought of my children loss of his job, and we feared loss of our income. I wanted to wake up every morning filled with thanksgiving for a new day, but instead I found myself filled with dread and sadness. Not only was I anxious about tomorrow; I was worried about today as well. How could I focus on God's gift of today when i didn't like what today offered?

Sometimes we find ourselves in frightening circumstances. Jesus' words quoted above encouraged us not to wish our circumstances away by dreaming about a future time or to make matters worse by worrying about what else might go wrong. Instead, Jesus says that we are to seek the Lord even in the midst of crisis. When we are in sad or overwhelming situations, God promises to be with us. By focusing on today, we discover that God provides the strength and courage we need. We don't have to worry about tomorrow because God will meet us there when tomorrow comes.

Prayer: God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, be with those who especially need your courage and strength. Amen.

Resources --> Upper Room; September 24, 2010; Susan J. Foster (Connecticut)


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