
Complain! Complain!

Read Philippians 2:14-18
Do everything without complaining - Philippians 2:14

The lines in the grocery store were long. There were only two cashiers, while six other registers stood unattended. It was the end of the workday for most of those standing in the lines. Frustration set in, and I stood there and complained like others. "They need more cashiers!" "Whatever happened to customer service?"

While relaxing later that evening, I watched the evening news. One of the stories was about a mission on skid row that was giving away clothing, shoes, and school supplies to children in need. Many homeless and low-income parents had camped out for up to four days on a sidewalk on behalf of their children. And I had complained about standing 15 minutes in a grocery store line! What kind of Christian witness did I show to others?

Our patience and peacefulness can shine like a light in a dark and perverse world. Are you shining brightly, or is your light clouded by complaints? Each of us can choose to shine brightly for God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive us for complaining, and help us to be patient and show your kindness in difficult situations. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Resources --> Upper Room; September 28, 2010; Jacqueline Leaycraft (California)


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