
the last day :]

I was awake again in the same time with the same problem; JANICE's ALARM ><
With the same amounts of sleeping hours, we decided to go to the ground floor to eat breakfast
Breakfast today was still okay, just like yesterday o.O

waiting people to eat their breakfast took around 1 hour
then we went to Prima Rasa
a place filled with delicious snacks and foods!
I bought quite a lot of snacks :D:D
I bought 5 packs of kue bolen which is very delicious :p

after going to the Prima Rasa
we went to the Saung Angklung Udjo
hearing very beautiful sounds from angklung
I used to play angklung when I was in the elementary
I do missed that moment ><
we had fun together with the kids and the audiences

when it was around 12,
we went back to Jakarta by bus and everybody's sleeping
when we arrived at Jakarta, we need to wait one and a half hours for eating dinner
dinner was not that okay and we decided to go directly to the airport

at the airport,
taking some last photos and I know that I will miss Bandung so much
since I never been to Bandung before
we departed at 6 p.m and arrived an hour later

It's unforgettable experiences and I do miss Bandung ><
at last, I wanna say thank you so much to the Aerotravel that brought us there :):)
I hope we can go there again or we can have another trip together ;)


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