
Acer Laptop Reviews

Acer Aspire Laptops

Acer Aspire Laptops
Aspire: This laptop has carved its own niche because of its persistent quality.
Their new Gemstone notebooks have such a stunning style, and they are simple to use and come with an integrated Colby Surround sound for the ultimate multimedia experience.

Acer TravelMate Laptops

Acer TravelMate Laptops
TravelMate: This is what the name implies, a laptop that is great for business on the road.
They are extremely reliable which is of great importance on a business trip. It has great security and communication features all in a professional, handsome design.

Acer Ferrari Laptops

Acer Ferrari Laptops
Ferrari: What a partnership, the Acer laptop and the Scuderia Ferrari. This series of notebooks is packed with the latest and best technology which is inspired just like the car.

Acer Aspire One Laptops

Acer Aspire One Laptops
Aspire One: The Acer Aspire One is a brand new laptop computer that Acer has just released into the netbook market.
Acer's idea for this computer was to create a laptop computer that constantly stays online whenever it is in a Wi Fi area. Therefore, no matter where the computer is as long as there is a signal, your computer will pick it up and you will be online.
Everything about this computer is quality. From the colors to the size and operating system, this is a world class computer.

Acer Extensa Laptops

Aspire Extensa: Acer's Extensa laptop PC line answers the growing demands of many small businesses and SOHO users. This new product line offers a fully optimized and ergonomically designed productivity mobile notebook. Acer purchased the award winning Extensa line from the Texas Instruments company. It's one of there most recent lines and is building steam in the mobile laptop market.
While Acer is winning all those awards, they are continually perfecting their notebook products.
Why their name is taking so long to be known as the one of the top here in the US is a puzzling thought.
They have incredible service, quality that can't be matched and performance packages you don't see in laptops of this price range.
Just their multi-media, hi-def digital entertainment system already says a lot about the quality of this laptop. We hope you found this Acer laptop review a valuable resource.

Resources --> http://www.best-rated-laptops-guide.com/acer_laptop_review.html

Thunderbolt MacBook Pro: The last notebook you'll ever need

From the outset, Apple's MacBook Pro has been the standard-bearer for professional notebook computers. Apple's extra-mile engineering sets the bar for performance, durability, build quality, longevity, ergonomics, battery life, and connectivity. For the past several years, Apple has had only itself to outdo with each new generation of MacBook Pro, yet Apple has still managed to set the pace, mostly with upgrades to materials, graphics, disk size, and battery life.
Not to take such advances for granted -- after all, the one-piece machined aluminum frame and dynamic GPU switching were among many unique and jaw-dropping innovations -- but where's the ultimate to-die-for model year leap, the upgrade so substantial that we may not see its like again for five years? As tight as money is now, buyers want to see double, triple, and order-of-magnitude level improvements to justify spending $1,799 to $2,499 on a notebook.
With the new Thunderbolt MacBook Pro, so nicknamed for its revolutionary high-speed I/O port, that's just what you'll get. The 15- and 17-inch quad-core models deliver twice the CPU performance of Core 2 Duo, three times the graphics performance of the previous generation's Nvidia GeForce GT 330M, and more than ten times the external I/O bandwidth of 800MHz FireWire. Even with a base price of just $1,199 and dual-core instead of quad-core CPUs, the new 13-inch MacBook Pro still outpaces prior Mac notebooks in terms of CPU and I/O performance.
This brand of magic can't be conjured by Apple's competitors. Sustained innovations like the MagSafe quick-disconnect charge port, the industrial-grade frame machined from a solid block of aluminum, digital optical audio input and output, automatic integrated/discrete GPU (graphics processing unit) switching, and a five-year battery already have no equal.
Now Apple has integrated Intel's just-released second-generation Core i5 (13-inch MacBook Pro) and Core i7 (15-inch and 17-inch models) into its popular commercial notebooks. By doing so, MacBook Pro has picked up the power of Intel's Turbo Boost dynamic overclocking, Hyper-Threading thread acceleration, 1,333MHz of DDR3 RAM, large Level 3 cache, and integrated memory controller. Intel's speedy new silicon and enlightened bus design, combined with Apple's full-custom motherboard and software, delivers those 2X CPU performance gains bragged about by Apple and proven in my benchmarks.
In the 15- and 17-inch models, Intel's stellar CPU is married with the most powerful and power-efficient mobile GPUs on the planet, AMD's Radeon HD 6000M series. The 17-inch MacBook Pro and the 2.2GHz 15-inch model feature AMD's Radeon HD 6750M GPU with 1GB of GDDR5 RAM, while the base 15-inch model uses the Radeon HD 6490M with 256MB of GDDR5 RAM. Apple uses a clever and simple technique to switch between low-power Intel integrated graphics and the gaming-grade AMD GPU on the fly. This is central to achieving a verified seven-hour battery life across all models, and that's without cheating: wireless networking active, display at midlevel brightness, and even battery-draining Flash Player running in the browser.
If, in all of this, you can't see a reason to upgrade your notebook, maybe I can bring the point home: This might be the last notebook computer you'll ever need or want. After more than two weeks of continuous testing, it's hard for me to imagine what I'd want in a notebook in three to five years that MacBook Pro doesn't deliver right now. Whatever I want, I'll plug into Thunderbolt, the game-changing 10-gigabit peripheral interconnect that deserves (and gets) its own section in this review. I have no lingering doubt that a PC notebook maker might trump MacBook Pro. What Apple has done requires metal, glass, genius, and OS X. It can't be replicated with plastic and Windows.

Resources --> http://www.infoworld.com/d/computer-hardware/thunderbolt-macbook-pro-the-last-notebook-youll-ever-need-169

Breaking Dawn

This is the last novel of the Twilight series :) I think this is the best novel of those 4 novels after all.
Breaking Dawn is split into three separate parts. The first part details Bella's marriage and honeymoon with Edward, which they spend on a private island, called Isle Esme, off the coast of Brazil. Two weeks into their honeymoon, Bella realizes that she is pregnant with a half-vampire child and that her condition is progressing at an unnaturally accelerated rate. After contacting Carlisle, who confirms her pregnancy, she and Edward immediately return home to Forks, Washington. Edward, concerned for Bella's life and convinced that the fetus is a monster as it continues to develop with unnatural rapidity, urges her to have an abortion. However, Bella feels a connection with her unborn baby and refuses.
The novel's second part is written from the perspective of shape-shifter Jacob Black, and lasts throughout Bella's pregnancy and childbirth. Jacob's Quileute wolf pack, not knowing what danger the unborn child may pose, plan to destroy it, also killing Bella. Jacob vehemently protests this decision and leaves, forming his own pack with Leah and Seth Clearwater. Bella soon gives birth, but the baby breaks many of her bones and she loses massive amounts of blood. In order to save her life, Edward changes her into a vampire by injecting his venom into her heart. Jacob, who was present for the birth, almost immediately "imprints"—an involuntary response in which a shape-shifter finds his soul mate—on Edward and Bella's newborn daughter, Renesmee.
The third section of Breaking Dawn shifts back to Bella's perspective, finding her changed into a vampire and enjoying her new life and abilities. However, the vampire Irina misidentifies Renesmee as an "immortal child", a child who has been turned into a vampire. Because "immortal children" are uncontrollable, creating them has been outlawed by the Volturi. After Irina presents her allegation to the Volturi, they plan to destroy Renesmee and the Cullens. In an attempt to survive, the Cullens gather other vampire clans from around the world to stand as witnesses and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Upon confronting the gathered Cullen allies and witnesses, the Volturi discover that they have been misinformed and immediately execute Irina for her mistake. However, they remain undecided on whether Renesmee should be viewed as a threat to vampires' secret existence. At that time, Alice and Jasper, who had left prior to the confrontation, return with a Mapuche called Nahuel, a 150-year-old vampire-human crossbreed like Renesmee. Nahuel demonstrates that the crossbreeds pose no threat, and the Volturi leave. Edward, Bella, and Renesmee return to their home in peace.

Resources --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_Dawn


The third novel of the Twilight series :) However, I think this is the worst novel rather than the 3 other series. It was boring, except the battle itself.

The story opens with the revelation that Seattle, Washington is being plagued by a string of murders, which Edward suspects is caused by a new vampire that is unable to control its thirst for human blood. As Edward and Bella apply to colleges, Bella explains to Edward her desire to see her friend, Jacob Black, a werewolf. Although Edward fears for her safety, Bella insists that neither Jacob nor his wolf pack would ever harm her, and she begins visiting him occasionally. On one of these visits, Jacob tells Bella that he is in love with her and wants her to choose him instead of Edward, but Bella says she just sees him as a friend. To that, Jacob forcibly kisses her and she reacts by punching him in the face, spraining her hand while not even leaving a scratch on him. Meanwhile, Alice Cullen has a vision that Victoria, a vampire who is hunting Bella for revenge, has returned to Forks. A few days later, Edward proposes to Bella and, despite harboring an aversion to marriage, she accepts.

Bella and the Cullens soon realize that the Seattle murders are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires, controlled by Victoria. The Cullens join forces with the wolf pack to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward, Bella and Jacob camp in the mountains, hidden during the battle, where they are later joined by Seth Clearwater, a young wolf pack member, to wait out the fight.

In the morning, Jacob becomes upset when he overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and threatens to join the fight and get himself killed. Bella stops Jacob by kissing him, and she comes to realize that she is in love with him as well. During the battle, Victoria tracks Edward's scent to Bella's forest hiding place, and Edward is forced to fight. Edward manages to kill Victoria and her vampire army is destroyed. Afterwards, Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater. After receiving a wedding invitation from Edward, Jacob runs away in his wolf form to escape his heartbreak over Bella's rejection.

Resources --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipse_(novel)#Plot_summary

New Moon

The second novel of Twilight series, New Moon :) i think it was better than the first one :D

Isabella "Bella" Marie Swan is thrown an eighteenth birthday party by Alice and Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and the rest of their vampire family. While unwrapping a gift, the paper cuts Bella's finger. Jasper, the newest member of the 'family' to attempt a non-human diet, leaps for Bella, overwhelmed by the scent of blood. Edward and his family protect Bella, but the realization of the danger Bella faces due to her proximity to vampires terrifies him. Edward reveals that he believes vampires are soulless creatures who will not experience an afterlife. Edward constantly struggles with his relationship with Bella because he does not want to turn Bella into a damned creature. Edward convinces Bella that he doesn't want her anymore, and he and his family depart from Forks in an attempt to keep her safe.

Four months pass and Bella has become a "zombie," existing but not really living. Trying to please her father, Charlie, Bella goes to a movie with her friend Jessica. When Bella spots a group of men in an alleyway, she remembers a time when Edward save her before, and decides to approach the men. Bella then hears Edward's voice in her head, warning her to stay away from them. Believing she may be on the verge of insanity, she concludes her subconscious mind is helping her believe that Edward cares whether she lives or dies. Thinking that the delusions are triggered by recklessness or being in a dangerous situation, she seeks other ways to trigger Edward's voice.

Jacob Black, Bella's friend from the nearby reservation, returns in New Moon. Bella finds two motorcycles on the side of the road and decides that they are the perfect way to hear Edward's voice. However, they need work and she remembers that Jacob has some mechanical skills. Jacob agrees to fix them and teach Bella how to ride. When Bella rides, Edward's voice scolds her for being "reckless and childish and idiotic." Jacob and Bella become very close friends, with Bella relying on his warmth and friendship in order to heal from Edward's leaving. Jacob is romantically interested in Bella, even though she makes it clear that she wants nothing more than friendship with him.

Jacob suddenly becomes very ill and fevered, but Bella faces firm resistance when she tries to contact him. Finally, Bella contacts him, only to learn that Jacob has become a follower of Sam Uley. Anxious without Jacob in her life, Bella fears she may slip back into her "zombie phase." Desperate, she returns to Edward's meadow in an attempt to get close to a past memory. There, she runs into the vampire Laurent, who tries to attack her. When a pack of giant wolves appear and scare off Laurent, Bella escapes.

Bella confronts Jacob, who is forbidden to explain anything to her. However, he tells her that she already knows because he told her the first night they met. Bella eventually recalls a story about werewolves and vampires and realizes that Jacob, and the rest of Sam Uley's gang, are werewolves.

Bella's life becomes even more difficult when Victoria arrives in Forks. Victoria seeks to avenge her mate, the vicious tracker vampire James the Cullens destroyed in Twilight. Rather than kill Edward, Victoria sees killing Edward's "mate" as a fair trade, not realizing that Edward and his family have left Forks. It is up to Jacob and his werewolf pack to protect Bella from Victoria's revenge. Bella spends most of her time wandering around alone since Jacob is often away with the pack searching for any sign of Victoria. She soon gets frustrated, desperate to hear Edward's voice. Although she had planned to try cliff diving with Jacob, she cannot wait, and jumps alone. The weather is tumultuous, and the current pulls Bella under. She hears Edward's voice pleading with her to try to fight the water, but soon she is too fatigued and resigns herself to death. Her last thoughts are "Goodbye, I love you," before Jacob saves her life.

Afterward Bella and Jacob learn that Harry Clearwater, a friend of their fathers, has passed away. Jacob then takes Bella home, where she finds Alice waiting for her. Bella rejoices in Alice returning but soon realizes that it is only temporary. Using her gift of seeing visions of the future, Alice "saw" Bella jump off the cliff and thought that she was committing suicide. She did not see Jacob save her because, as she later finds out, she cannot see werewolves in her visions.

During Alice's stay, Jacob is angry that Bella chose the "bloodsucker" over him. During Bella and Jacob's argument, Edward, posing as Carlisle, calls Bella's house. When Edward asks for Charlie, Jacob, who answered the phone, informs him that Charlie is "at the funeral." Although Jacob means Harry Clearwater's funeral, Edward mistakenly believes that Bella has died. Not wanting to live in a world without Bella, Edward travels to Volterra, Italy to anger the Volturi, a "royal" vampire family, into killing him by exposing the existence of vampires.

Bella and Alice rush to Italy and save Edward just in time. The three of them meet with Aro, a Volturi leader who can read minds through touch. Aro provides them with an ultimatum: either, Bella, as a human who knows of the existence of vampires, must die, or be turned into a vampire. Although Edward rejects both options, Alice shows Aro that Bella will become a vampire and the trio are released.

Bella and the Cullen family all return to Forks. Edward confesses to Bella that he left in an attempt to protect her. Bella desperately wants to become a vampire so she can remain with Edward, but Edward refuses. Bella then asks the Cullens to vote on whether they feel Bella should be changed into a vampire. All but Rosalie and Edward agree that she should be changed. Edward, who abhors the idea of Bella becoming a vampire, convinces Carlisle to wait until after graduation to change Bella. Edward offers to change Bella himself, but conditions his offer on Bella's agreement to marry him. Bella is terrified of marriage, and refuses.

In the epilogue, Bella thinks back to her "pre-zombie" state and says that "it was as if the last eight months were just a disturbing nightmare." Charlie is furious with Bella for her unexplained three-day absence, but she knows that with Edward at her side, everything will be okay. 

resources --> http://brokencontrollers.com/new-moon-novel-plot-summary-t20217.php

Love Buffet

A Taiwanese drama that I recently watched :D Typically college students with some funny scene :)


* Title: 愛似百匯 / Ai Si Bai Hui
* English title: Love Buffet
* Genre: Romance, comedy
* Broadcast network: FTV / GTV
* Broadcast period: 2010-Dec-19
* Air time: Sundays 22:00


Based off the manga Parfait Tic, Xiao Feng (Fuuko) is a lively girl starting her first year of college. Her life is turned upside down by the arrival of her new neighbors: Yi Cheng and Da Ye.(Ichi and Daiya)


* Yu Hong Yuan as Hu Xiao Feng 胡小風
* Aaron Yan as Xing Yi Cheng 邢一誠
* Calvin Chen as Xing Da Ye 邢大業
* Chen De Xiu as A Ji 阿基
* Cynthia Wang as Teng Qiu Ying 藤秋櫻
* Wei Wei (幃幃) as Xiao Sen 小森
* Wang Yi Wen as Da Lin 大林
* Patty Hou as Yi Zhi Hui 伊織惠
* Wang Cai Hua (王彩樺) as Jiang Cai Juan 江彩娟
* Bu Xue Liang as Hu Wan Jun 胡萬峻
* Billie as Rose
* Wang Xia (王俠) as Jack
* Frances Wu (吳兆絃) as Xing Gu Du 邢古都
* Kris Shen as Hei Yan 黑岩
* Liang You Lin as Hu Lan Die 胡蘭蝶
* An Xin Ya (安心亞) as Ying Jin 影近
* Wang Jing Ying as Zhuang Ya Han 莊雅涵

Resources --> http://www.jacinda1st.com/2010/12/love-buffet-synopsis.html


This is the phenomenal novel that was written by Stephanie Meyer :) Yes, it's one of the Twilight series. This is the summary of the first book that she wrote :D, TWILIGHT! <3

Isabella "Bella" Swan, moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie, while Bella's mother, Renée, travels with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player. Even though she never had many friends in Phoenix, Bella attracts much curiosity at her new school in Forks, and she is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys in the school compete for shy Bella's attention. 

When Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in Biology class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed, even attempting to change his schedule to avoid her. Although Bella feels Edward must hate her, his actions soon indicate otherwise. He displays supernatural abilities while saving Bella from being killed by an out-of-control van. After seeing an impression of Edward's hands in the side of the van, she realizes that Edward cared at least enough to save her life and that he has supernatural abilities. Bella confronts him afterwards about the strangeness of the situation, but he refuses to discuss it. As time passes, Bella and Edward are repeatedly drawn to one another, even though Edward desperately tries to avoid her. 

After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black of the Quileute (pronounced Quil-yoot) tribe, into telling her the local tribal legends (flirting with him to do so) , Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires. Although she was inexplicably attracted to him when she thought Edward drank human blood, she is much relieved to learn that the Cullens are "vegetarian" vampires who drink animal blood instead. Over time, Edward and Bella fall deeply in love. Their foremost problem is Bella's "alluring scent", making Edward struggle to resist his desire to kill her. However, despite this and Bella's strange knack for constantly landing herself in dangerous situations, they manage to stay together safely for a time. 

The seemingly blissful state of affairs is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks and James, a tracker, sets his sights on Bella. Under the assumption that James has kidnapped her mother, Bella is lured to her former dance studio, where James attacks her. Edward, along with the rest of the Cullen family, rescues Bella before James can kill her. 

Resources --> http://brokencontrollers.com/forums/twilight-novel-plot-summary-t20215.php

Gnomeo and Juliet

This is such a hilarious movie. One of my best movie I ever watched :D

Directed By: Kelly Asbury
Produced By: Baker Bloodworth, Steve Hamilton Shaw, David Furnish
Starring: James McAvoy, Emily Blunt, Michael Caine, Maggie Smith, Jason Statham, Patrick Stewart, Ashley Jensen, Stephen Merchant, Matt Lucas, Jim Cummings, Julie Walters, Richard Wilson, Ozzy Osbourne, Dolly Parton, Hulk Hogan
Original Music : Elton John.
Synopsis of the movie:
Two garden gnomes, Gnomeo (voice of James McAvoy) and Juliet (voice of Emily Blunt), try to avoid tragedy and find a happy ending to their star-crossed love affair when they are caught up in a feud between neighbors.The animated tale Gnomeo & Juliet knowingly follows the quintessential star-crossed lovers tragedy Romeo and Juliet, with the unexpected twist of making the characters garden gnomes that can move when human beings aren’t watching. Though Gnomeo (James McAvoy) and Juliet (Emily Blunt) belong to feuding garden-gnome families, they meet and fall in love. But the clans’ shared animosity is exacerbated when Tybalt (Jason Statham) dies in part because of actions taken by Gnomeo to defend a friend whom Tybalt was attacking. After getting some sage advice from a statue of William Shakespeare (Patrick Stewart), Gnomeo attempts to set things right, and win the heart of the lawn ornament he loves. The supporting cast includes the vocal talents of Michael Caine, Hulk Hogan, and Maggie Smith. ~ Perry Seibert, Rovi

Resources --> http://movieuptodate.com/movie/gnomeo-juliet

Skandar Keynes

Another biography of a handsome guy named Skandar Keynes :) Most of you have already recognized this guy. He played the role of Edmund Pevensie in the popular film series, The Chronicles of Narnia

Date of Birth
5 September 1991, London, England, UK
Birth Name
Alexander Amin Casper Keynes
5' 8" (1.73 m)
Mini Biography

Skandar Amin Casper Keynes (born 5 September 1991) is an English actor best known for starring as Edmund Pevensie in the 2005 film adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He will return in the role of Edmund in the film's sequel The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, which is currently scheduled for release in the summer of 2008.

Keynes was born in London to writer Randal Keynes and Zelfa Cecil Hourani and has a sister called Soumaya. Through his father, Keynes is the great-great-great grandson of the famous scientist Charles Darwin. His great grandfather Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1932.

His maternal grandfather, Cecil Fadlo Hourani, is a famous writer of Lebanese descent, and the brother of Albert Hourani, also a well-known writer and professor. Keynes attended the Anna Scher Theatre School from 2000 to 2005 and currently attends the all-boys City of London School.

Resources --> http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1342727/bio



The new boyband group 2pm is a seven-member group from the JYP Entertainment where Wonder Girls also appear. The members include of Jaebom, Wooyoung, Nickhun, Chansung, Junho, Tacyeon, and Junsu. They all know how to do acrobatic and is a b-boy group. They debuted with their song "10 out of 10" on September 4,2008. Then on October 17,008, they started to promote their song "Only You" another song from their album "Hottest Time of the Day." They made yet another comeback called "Again and Again" where fans really caught their attentions and even noonas and older people started to get interest. Then they made a another comeback with "I Hate You" when the Jay Myspace Controversy happened and Jay had to leave Korea. As for now, they have finished promoting "Without You."
Before debut, 2pm was featured on an documentary called Hot Blood Men that aired on Mnet, along with the members of 2AM. The show documented the rigorous training program of JYP trainees as well as the elimination of three of trainees from the group.
Full Name: Jang WooYoung
Birthdate: April 30, 1989
Height: 180cm
Weight: 67kg
Specialty: Dance
Wooyoung's biography: Wooyoung of 2pm loves surfing the internet and listening to music. His ideal woman is everything he likes about them. He loves all the food in this world! His specialty is dancing.
Full Name:Nichkhun Horvejkul
Birthday: June 24, 1988
Ethnicity: Thai and Chinese
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 70 kg
BloodType: O
Religion: Buddhism
Nickhun's biography: Nickhun is known as the puppy of 2pm. He can speak four languages: English, Korean, Thai, and Chinese. His ideal woman is someone who's kind, cute, and a good person. He doesn't like any food in this world [LOL]. He enjoys playing the piano, working out, listening to music and watching movies. His specialty is acrobatics and and the piano.
Full Name:Kim Junsu
Birthday: January 15, 1988
Ethnicity: Buddhist
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Junsu's biography: Kim Junsu of 2pm could easily be confused by the Junsu of DBSK. He graduated from KyungHee Cyber College. His specialties are singing, composing, and being fashionable!!!

Full Name:Ok Taecyeon
Birthday:December 27, 1988
Height:185 cm
Weight:76 kg
Taecyeon's biography: Taecyeon of 2pm also graduated from DanKook College. He enjoys listening to music, skiing, and walking. His ideal woman is someone who looks good in jeans[LOL]. He loves all the food in this world!^^
Full name:Lee Junho
Birthday:January 25, 1990
Height:178 cm
Weight:67 kg
Junho's biography: Junho of 2pm looks alot like Rain/Bi. His ideal woman is someone who plans for a child.[WTH?] His specialties are singing, beatbox, and dancing. He enjoys listening to music, watching dancing videos, learning composing, reading, and reading fashion. He graduated from Ho Won University - Program Acting Major.
Full name:Hwang Chan Sung
Birthday:February 11, 1990
Height:184 cm
Weight:75 kg
Chansung's biography: Chansung is the youngest member in 2pm. He enjoys listening to music,games, and working out. His specialties are Tae Kwon Do and Kumdo. His ideal woman is someone who has kind eyes. He is not a picky eater so he eats everything.^^

Resources --> http://www.crunchyroll.com/group/JYP_2pm

Cory Monteith


"Cory Allan Monteith" (born May 11, 1982) is a Canadian actor and singer, best known for his role as Finn Hudson in "Glee" on Fox.


Monteith started his acting career in Vancouver, British Columbia. He and Lea Michele, his "Glee" costar, were included in Entertainment Weekly's 2009 'Summer Must List', being named 'Summer's Must Songbirds' for their portrayals of Finn and Rachel on "Glee", respectively.
Monteith appears on Fox's new television hit Glee--which is targeted for teens, as well as adults. Monteith portrays Finn Hudson, the male lead of the glee club and the quarterback of McKinley High School. Prior to Glee, Monteith claims to had no experience with singing or dancing; however, he is a fairly talented drummer. His audition tape for Glee even featured his drumming talents as he rhythmically drums on glass bottles and containers to demonstrate his musical abilities.


Monteith was born in Calgary, Alberta and raised in Victoria, British Columbia. Before becoming an actor, he worked in Nanaimo, British Columbia as a Wal-Mart people greeter, taxi driver, telemarketer, construction worker and
He currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Monteith never graduated from high school and dropped out in the ninth grade. Monteith said in an interview 'It wasn't for me. I can remember ever since about the sixth or seventh grade, I just didn't understand why I had to learn what I was learning. For some reason, there was a spirit of rebellion in me.'
In a bonus feature from the Glee season one DVD, Monteith reveals seven things, or facts, that 'you really didn't know about' him, which include his favorite food being Italian food; his favorite color as blue; his favorite sport(s), which are 'a toss up between hockey and basketball'; his first car, a 1972 Dodge Colt; his most desired trip as going to Eastern Europe, mainly Czechoslovakia (which doesn't actually exist anymore); a production of Equus being his first time crying; and, his current video game favorite as Call of Duty 4. Monteith is a skilled drummer, and has identified himself as 'big, awkward, and Canadian' on Cheslea Lately.


* "Breaking the Girl" - Belushi (2010)
* "Whisper" - Teenage Boy (2007)
* "The Invisible" - Jimmy (2007)
* "Gone" (short) - Davis Calder (2007)
* "White Noise 2: The Light" - Scooter Guy (2007)
* "Deck the Halls" - Madison's Date (2006)
* "Final Destination 3" - Kahill (2006)
* "Bloody Mary" - Paul Zuckerman (2006)
* "Killer Bash" (2005)
* "The Assistants" (TV series) - Shane Baker (1 episode, 2009)
* "Glee" (TV series) - Finn Hudson (2009 - present)
* "Mistresses" - Jason (TV movie, 2009)
* "The Boy Next Door" - Jason (TV movie, 2008)
* "Fear Itself" (TV series) - James (1 episode, 2008)
* "Kaya" (TV series) - Gunnar (10 episodes, 2007)
* "Flash Gordon" (TV series) - Ian Finley (1 episode, 2007)
* "Kyle XY" (TV series) - Charlie Tanner (7 episodes, 2006-2007)
* "Hybrid" (TV movie) - Aaron Scates (2007)
* "Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep" (TV movie) - Michael (2006)
* "Stargate SG-1" (TV series) - Young Mitchell (1 episode, 2006)
* "Whistler" (TV series) - Lip Ring (1 episode, 2006)
* "Killer Instinct" (TV series) - Windsurfer Bob (1 episode, 2005)
* "Supernatural" (TV series) - Gary (1 episode, 2005)
* "Young Blades" (TV series) - Marcel Le Rue (1 episode, 2005)
* "Killer Bash" (TV movie) - Douglas Waylan Hart (2005)
* "Stargate: Atlantis" (TV series) - Genii Private (1 episode, 2004)

Top 10 Taylor Swift songs

The top 
'Tim McGraw'
Might as well start with Taylor Swift's debut single. Swift claims she wrote 'Tim McGraw' in high school math class about her then-boyfriend, who was preparing to move away to college. While reminiscing about their time together, Taylor thinks of an un-named song by Tim McGraw (identified later as 'Can't Tell Me Nothin') that reminds her of their love.
Taylor Swift Tim McGraw

'I'm Only Me When I'm With You'
This top Taylor Swift song didn't appear until the deluxe version of her self-titled debut, and it was never released as a single, but 'I'm Only Me When I'm With You' is the ninth most popular Taylor Swift song. The album went on to become the fifth biggest seller in the US in 2008.
Taylor Swift

'Teardrops on My Guitar'
The second song released from Taylor Swift's debut, 'Teardrops on My Guitar,' is about a girl who is secretly in love with a boy named Drew, who's interested in another girl. Like much of the material on her self-titled album, Taylor Swift says that the song was written about a high school classmate.
Taylor Swift Teardrops on My Guitar

'White Horse'
This song is taken from Taylor Swift's second album, 'Fearless.' Written by Liz Rose, 'White Horse' is the first single from 'Fearless' to make our list and went on to with two Grammy Awards. This top Taylor Swift song's video became the first to ever debut at number one.
Taylor Swift White Horse

'Picture to Burn'
The fourth single from Taylor Swift's self-titled debut, 'Picture to Burn' is also the artist's fourth consecutive single to reach the top ten. Not a bad way to start your career. Another teen high school drama, 'Picture to Burn' reveals a darker side of Swift, exploring her plans to seek revenge on an ex-boyfriend.
Taylor Swift Picture to Burn

'Should've Said No'
The fifth and final single released from Taylor Swift's debut, 'Should've Said No' capped off her run of five consecutive top 10 singles, becoming her second number one song. Also written while she was in high school, reportedly Swift was inspired after she discovered that her boyfriend at the time had cheated on her.
Taylor Swift Should've Said No

'Our Song'
'Our Song' is often considered one of Taylor Swift's best songs. The third single released off of her debut was also her first to hit number one. The uptempo banjo-backed track was written entirely by Swift for a high school talent show, about a boyfriend who she did not have a song with.
Taylor Swift Our Song
Thanks to a leaked, poor quality version of this top Taylor Swift song, her label decided to release the first single from her third album almost two weeks ahead of schedule. No matter -- 'Mine' instantly shot up to the top of iTunes with the album, 'Speak Now,' still two months from release.
Taylor Swift Mine

'You Belong With Me'
'You Belong With Me' is one of Taylor Swift's biggest crossover hits, but she might owe the songs legacy to Kanye West. It was during her acceptance for 'You Belong With Me' winning the 2009 MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video that Kanye infamously interrupted, protesting in support of Beyoncé Knowles. That incident, and this song in particular, made Taylor Swift a household name throughout the US.
Taylor Swift You Belong With Me
'Love Story'
The top Taylor Swift song on our list is also her top single. 'Love Story' is the fourth best-selling digitally downloaded song by a female behind 'Just Dance,' and 'Poker Face' by Lady Gaga and 'Tik Tok' by Ke$ha and ninth overall. In Swift's words, "This is a song I wrote when I was dating a guy who wasn't exactly the popular choice. His situation was a little complicated, but I didn't care."

Resources --> http://blog.music.aol.com/2010/08/23/top-taylor-swift-songs/
Taylor Swift Love Story