
The Second Chance

Read Ephesians 4:29-5:1

"Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all." Romans 12:17

"It Changed My Life in a Minute" is the name of the workshop I coordinate at a hospital in Buenos Aires. When I was 18 years old, an incident happened that changed my life.

One day my school friends and I were waiting at our bus stop. Suddenly, a car ran a red light and crashed into me. The force of the impact threw me across the sidewalk, and I sustained a severe head injury. I was in the hospital for a month, unconscious most of that time, and my doctors believed I would not survive. But I did survive and I now walk with the use of special walking canes.

The driver of the car tried everything, including lies, to disavow responsibility for the accident or my injuries. I have seen him at various court appearances but at first did not want to look at him. I recalled the words of my doctor."This girl is a miracle." I could not waste my miracle being bitter or harboring thoughts and feelings that would limit my future. And so I chose to extend compassion to the offender. Because God has given me a second chance at life, I thought, my life should reflect the blessing of that second chance. Because of that, I have forgiven him.

Prayer: Giver of life, free us from the hurts we have sustained and help us to repair the harm we have caused others. We are grateful that you forgive us. Amen.

Resources --> Upper Room; September 3 2010 Edition; Paula Tresols (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


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